Thursday, February 26, 2009

should abortion be legal??

We should stop abortions in the United States. I find it horrible how a speechless human being can be killed with no ifs or buts. The Amendments of the United States of America its presents that no unusual punishment should be allowed, then why should babies be killed for the pleasure of not having to take responsibilities for your actions. We have to take full responsibility when we commit a crime why should this be any different ? We kill for no purpose and in the law we can only have an abortion if we are younger then 3 months. Why 3 months ? Just because its not formed yet, and it doesn't have a mouth, doesn't mean its not in the process of becoming what god's created.
If it was for me abortions would be illegal in the United States and if they didn't like it we have many things to prevent it from happening. Pills are provided freely these days, condoms anything you please the Untied States will provide you with it. But those girls that just want to have an excitement, do it unprotected and then they just don't take upon their actions. Which i find so irresponsible and very inhuman. No one deserves to go down quietly. =\


  1. i disagree. A few of my friends are pregnant and have been pregnant in the past and have made a choice back then to get an abortion. the way i see it is if your under the age of 18 and you CAN NOT take care of yourself and another life you have every right because it is your body and your choice. other wise if you can do it then don't abort. people make their own choices not the government or other people with opposing opinions.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah, sorry to say, but I disagree too. You have to acknowledge the fact that people who are so carless that they don’t even consume birth control pills or wear protection are probably not the best parents, and there is a great possibility that the child will not be taught the right values and become a druggy, or a thief, or in other words a nobody. What if a woman was raped, and she was impregnated? Why should she raise a baby she did not plan for, even though she was responsible and she consumed her birth control? This may sound a little weird at first, but abortions should be legal; for the sake of the baby.

  4. I agree. Everyone deserves a life. There's no reason or excuse to deny someone literally their God-given right. God's plan is to put us on this earth, get a body, and work hard through life's trials and tribulations to eventually live with him again in heaven. Why should we reject that opportunity to a helpless baby? If someone did become pregnant through less than genuine reasons (like rape, or unprotected sex), it happened for a reason. Although only God knows why, He of course knows that the outcome will overcome the cause. And if someone has an unplanned pregnancy, give it away for adoption if they can't take care of it. There are a lot of couples out there willing to take care of them. Heck, do it like Juno!

  5. I agree and disagree in both ways. Yes, everyone should deserve to live and have a life. But then again, a young girl shouldn't be tortured to take care of a young baby at such a young age. Abortion has both its negative and positive aspects. Say someone is raped, and get pregnant; this is a good situation as to why you should be able to get an abortion. But a dumb mistake someone has made as to being pregnant is your own fault; you should have thought about it before you went out and had sexual intercourse with someone else.

  6. I think it's the girls choice to have an abortion or not. If you're underaged and can't take care of a baby then by all means do what you have to do. But that don't make it right but every girl should have the choice to have a baby or not.

  7. I don't agree with abortion at all. I agree that if a child is conceieved, then it should be given a chance at life. Children don't voices of their own and it is abusive to kill them. If you make the choice to not use the protection then you are taking a risk and you may have to accept the consequences. There are other options like adoption. So many people have dreams of having children and can't. So when you take an innocent child and kill it then you are just being selfish.

  8. I believe that abortion is sometimes acceptable. If a girl is raped and the babies grows up and one day asks, "Who's my father?", you don't want to lie to them. It would make you feel horrible to have to say that you don’t know where their father is or who they are because he raped you. "'re a rape baby!" You could always give it up for abortion but then you'd be making your body suffer for a mistake that wasn't your fault. A lot of kids hate that their adopted and I feel horrible putting any child into adoption. Which brings me to my agreeing argument. Adoption should not even be an option for the irresponsible teenager who are too stupid to wear a condom. It's your fault so you should pay the price and take responsibility for your actions.

  9. I agree, yet disagree. Teenagers who are out there taking part in unprotected sexual activities should be more responsible. Every where you look there are agencies and people, such as doctors, to help you stay safe and healthy. All people should be given a chance at life, but on the other hand who are we to say.

    The government should not be allowed to say that abortions are legal. It's an individuals right to be in control and decide if they want a baby or not. For the people out there that are thinking well if you didn't want to get pregnant you would be protected. This may be true but what if a women is raped. If she is emotionally scarred from this traumatizing event would she really want to go through the pregnancy and have the baby? Also, if the baby grew up and found out, it would change everyone's lives in the situation.
    Accidents happen even if you are protected and sex if part of being human. I believe that it is the women's choice to decide whether they want an abortion or not, not the government's.

  10. Well I do agree with your argument, but you only argued from one situations point of view. What if the girl was rapped? is it still the girls responsability? What if its a 9 year old girl? should she go through the pain of child birth when she has already been through so much? I think that abortion should not be allowed as a birth control option, but it shouldnt be illegal. Stuff happens in the world and sometimes people should be responsible for their actions, but at times they have no say.
