Wednesday, March 4, 2009

over abusive with power!

Many citizens today, are overly abused with the work of the government and how they think there going to keep us (the people) in control, or better yet in peace. I was driving today to school and in one of the radio stations that i was listening too. something caught my attention really fast and it was that a young girl while she was in custody, she was broodily attacked by a police officer, while she was already in hand cuffs. Now people we have to take this in consideration how our society is becoming so brutal. Imagine if that was your sister or your daughter? how much hatred would that bring. but then again if we react to a police officer were creating danger to them. how about us are innocent Americans being treated wrong by the law?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A huge human flaw is how easily we can be corrupted. Power is the corrupter of man. When you have power whether you’re a leader or have a gun in your hand, you get this demand for respect. Your mind state is no one can mess with you because you have the power which begets fear which begets respect.

    As for the girl in cuffs I don't think it's ever right to beat someone who can't fight back, but let’s not be biased because we don't really know the whole story. When it's someone close to you of course you feel anger, but what you do with that anger is up to the person. No one is innocent, but there are people caught up in it and it leads to consequences. Be glad we live in a free country where we choose our leaders and it's easier to change what enough people don't like. We don't have to have revolution and overthrow our government for changes....yet.

  3. It is becoming more and more common to hear about people being abused by authorities. I respect Police Officers but sometimes they don't think about if this was there own family member, how would they want them to be treated? They are sometimes really to hard on people. For someone who can't fight back, it is not fair for them to get abused. Although I don't know the entire story about the girl, from what I've read, I don't think she was treated fairly.

  4. Wow that's really crazy. If that was my little sister I'd be so fricken pissed! But yeah the way it is set up right now we can't really do anything about it. Even though our system has a lot of flaws in general it does keep the average person safe.

  5. As the saying goes, power corrupts those who possess it. I completely believe that statement to be true. In several cases, police officers have been accused and occasionally convicted of beating arrested people to an unnecessary extent. I understand using a little violence if the criminal is being resistant, but overabusing that should be recognized and that specific cop should be prosecuted.

  6. Human nature is stupid. A lot of people with power think that they are the best so they abuse the power to seem tough. I think that pocilemen should chill out and remeber that they are also regular people. I agree with you, a lot of policemen abuse power. Me and my friend got pulled over becuase of a missing tail light and he ended up being trown against the trunk of the car for a search.
